Charlie went swimming at Stacey's house and his friends, Bix and Brooke, joined in on the fun. It was a little rainy but he still had a great time! And thanks for the swimsuit and matching hat, Auntie Tara!!
After sleeping in my crib at night for the past week, I finally took my FIRST NAP in there for TWO whole hours - June 27! Check out my big feet hangin' out!
Daddy finally let us go to dinner together in public! -but we forgot the camera in the car so we had to take it of the front door.... Charlie relaxed while Mom and Dad enjoyed a nice sushi dinner.
Charlie loves playing with his toys in his room. He really recognizes bright colors now! And he's not even afraid of the scary, licking him all the time, Dragon.
This is our first try at the blogging. It is difficult to type and hold a squirmy baby all at the same time so please be patient with us. Here is Charlie's intro to cyberspace...he is such a techno-whiz!